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Family Winter holidays

10931361_813090315394744_6533908670779906511_nThe most fascinating thing about going on holidays with your family is how you enjoy yourself, discovering places and going out together, learning about new cultures, tasting the typical food of the place and even studying its history or visiting the museums and must-see places.

I remember when I was little, we had a winter break at school and the whole family went off on holidays, to a different place each time and, if my parents fell in love with any of those places we would go back. I remember those times with longing, fondness and happiness.

It’s a family tradition to go on a trip every winter, something that all families should do because there is no greater pleasure than sharing moments, memories and experiences.

Two good options for family holidays:

– Choose cold weather places to practice winter sports, breathe pure mountain air or just watch the snow falling outside.

– Opt for warm places to enjoy milder temperatures and get an energy boost until spring comes, to relax to the sound of the sea or to simply live.

Now, at my age, I look back, I look at today and I look forward, and I realize that the years, the travelling,the experiences, the places … have taught me a lot, have made me grow as a person, and have offered me the fortune to be able to do all that with my family.

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