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Tips for your first ski trip to Megève

ski trip to megève

Heading to Megève for the first time ever? In this post today you will find some tips to know exactly what to wear, what to bring and how to take care of your health, on your first ski trip to Megève.


1-Te conditioning

I mean the shape up. Your quads will thank you if you start a regular régimen cardio, stretching, toning before your trip. It is very important to get fit. It doesn’t matter how active you are. You will be surprised by how many muscles sking requires. You will notice new muscles that you didn’t know exist!. Belive me!

2-What to wear during your first ski trip to Megève

Do not get stress with that, seriously. The best advice I can give you is dress accordingly and comfortably. See those some outfit recommendations. Don’t wear jean sor cotton because they absorb wáter.  A simple nylon windbreaker on top with layers underneath is a good way to keep you warm.


3-Altitud sickness

To avoid altitud sickness in your first ski trip to Megéve; drink lots of water, to be well hydrated is the best way to help you body adjust to hight altitude. Avoid intke off caffeine and alcohol.

If you want to know more about altitude sickness chek this out.


Have an energetic breakfast at you hotel before you leave. If you stai in at Megève you won’t have any problema. Do not forget a pack of high-protein/complex snacks. It will help you power through the day, specially if you hvae kids and children around!.

5-Packing list

There you are a free ski packing list printable to help you out organise with your trip, so you won’t forget anything!

6-Post-ski boots

Be aware that you will need a pair of “after-ski” boots. Not the Ugss ones! So you need something waterproof with excellent traction and stay stylist when you coming off the slopes.



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